Andersen Ong

I'm a


Asking a lot of questions and solving problems with the code I write. Growing up curious and in pursuit of personal excellence and development made me question how things around me work and how they could be improved. From dreading using calculators and creating an app that shows the formula, solution, and answer in one click as a finance student to making full-stack web applications, I realized that the only way to satisfy my curiosity was by writing lines of code that simply work.

Laptop standnig in one finger

Web Developer

Prioritizing dynamic user experience and catering to their needs. Integration of immersive design for better usability.

  • City: Manila, Philippines
  • Email: rickansenn@gmail.com
  • Age: 20
  • Freelance: Available

I started learning both HTML and CSS in FreeCodeCamp with a course called Responsive Web Design and got its certificate. I then later joined an agency which offers training and specialization in Full-Stack Development. In there I learned about JavaScript and the whole MERN stack.


Here is an overview of my qualifications, education, and notable accomplishments.


Enrick Andersen Ong

20 year old college student from the Philippines with a passion in web development. I am goal-oriented with an excellent time-management skills and can deliver projects from beginning concepts to finishing, enhanced projects.

  • Manila, Philippines
  • rickansenn@gmail.com


Agency - Full-Stack Web Development

2022 - Present

100Devs Agency

Presently, I am a part of a traning program my agency had which focuses mainly on Full-Stack Web Delevopment. In there I learned about the value of relationship with other devs and how important it is to know how to work in teams.

College - BSBA Major in Financial Management

2020 - Present

Technological Institute of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines

Currently studying about the principles and concepts regarding business and solve underlying problems in an international and efficient approach

Senior High School - STEM Strand

2018 - 2020

Technological Institute of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines

I learned about the important values of scientific inquiry, logical reasoning, and collaboration skills.


Responsive Web Design

  • Built the foundation in Web design. Developed skills in responsiveness and accessibility. Learned how to make my website inclusive for all users and their respective form of media.

Personal Projects

Website Clones

March 2022

Website clones for personal practice on layouts using HTML5 and CSS3.

Accounting Calculator

March 2022

Made a calculator app that shows the formula, solutions, and answer to a given accounting question using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.

100Devs Calendar

April 2022

Made a calendar app for a training program that shows the resources, assignments, and the submission forms all in one using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.


This is my project collection. It consists of projects from my training agency and projects that I have initiated myself.

  • All
  • App
  • Card
  • Web
Restaurant Website
Website picture
Dark chocolate dessert shop website


Responsive Website

User-centered website that guarantees users to have the best experience on any device

Quality Design

A quality website design not only for looks but advocates usability, utility, and excellent user experience

Fast Website

Website rendering in an instant to give users time to interact smoothly and naturally


If you have any questions, don't be shy to drop it in the forms. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Manila, Philippines

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